Riomaggiore (Cique Terre), Day 16: “Hostels.”

Hostels are a little like life. You meet some really cool people, and just as you’re getting to know them, once day they’re just gone.
It poured all day today. I stayed all cooped up inside and drank tea all day with the heat cranked up. I stepped out for about a half hour to take some pictures at the arena, and got completely drenched from head to toe, but it was totally worth it. The waves were HUGE and just smashing into the rocks in the bay. So powerful.
We got 8 new roommates, putting us up to 11 in the tiny little apartment! It is so crammed in the kitchen with that HUGE table that takes up half of the apartment.
It finally stopped raining later in the evening around 10:00pm. I went back out to the Marina and took some night shots. Man, I never thought I’d say it, but I wish I would have brought my tripod!
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